Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Been a long couple of weeks lately. I went over to Knoxville to catch a ride of some sort with my brother last weekend. He had to work on Saturday, but I met up with Dave Lane and Doug and we got in a nice 35 miles on the road bikes. It rained on me all the way over on Saturday, but it turned out to be a sunny 70 degrees that afternoon and I was waaaay overdressed on the ride. I sweat enough to fill a couple of buckets I'm sure.

On Sunday, Keith, Dave and I went to Norris to ride. We had planned on a Big South Fork trip, but with the weather and all, we decided to ride trails that would probably hold up to the abuse of a few rainy days and then riding. We had a good ride and I think I've finally started to catch on to this whole gears thing. Since switching over from the singlespeed, I've been having trouble climbing and doing anything uphill for that matter, but I think I finally caught on Sunday. We rode around 15 was nice. We almost didn't ride because it was so cold when we started, but it turned out to be just the right temperature.

Got the 6 Hours of Warriors Creek this weekend in Wilkesboro, NC. This is my first race of the year and I'm not too concerned about my placement, I just really want to ride for six hours then go get my free roast pig and brews. Should be a fun event and I'm looking forward to camping with my friends and riding...a lot.

Last week I ordered a signed copy of Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse from IDW. It was signed by Ben Templesmith, the artist that drew the comic series. He was also the guy that illustrated the 30 Days of Night graphic novel, for reference, that they made a movie out of. Well, when I got home last night, laying on the coffee table was a package that I just knew had my new piece of Templesmith swag in it.

More next time on my attempt to raise enough money to buy a MacBook. Should be fun!

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